WordPress Web Design for Boulder, CO Wellness Company
A long-time business acquaintance and chiropractic practitioner. When I first moved to Boulder, Colorado the doctors at South Boulder Chiropractic were a few of my first clients. South Boulder Chiropractic & ExcitedEYE Corp had traded Chiropractic for Web Design services for years. While they kept me physically healthy and active. I kept their Boulder WordPress web design in top shape through marketing and SEO for Boulder, CO chiropractic lead generation.
South Boulder WordPress Design Updates
Initially, their first few renditions of SBC were in the search engines enjoying a #1 position for over a decade. While we had initially begun on a static .html solution. South Boulder Chiropractic was extremely excited at the prospect of migration into the WordPress world via my website consultation and SEO recommendations in 2011. ExcitedEYE recommends WordPress development for startups and smaller-sized company websites for easy maintenance and updates. As well as for ease of SEO and Social Media Marketing efforts.
South Boulder’s SEO Best Practices
South Boulder Chiropractic’s WordPress web design dominated its local organic marketing and SEO for its industry for well over 2 decades. Time and time again, we refined and added to their industry keywords and upgraded for the best user experience so that they had the primary online presence wherever you looked. What a great run!
Conclusion of South Boulder Chiro
Sadly, the SouthBoulderChiropractic.com domain & the business name was retired and rebranded on March 31, 2016. We were happy to participate in the creation and WordPress Development of the rebranded SouthBoulderHealingandChiropractic.com.